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Anatex Sand Substrate Compactor Premium
Horse base, riding base, non-woven fabric scraps

The porous structure of Anatex flakes, after mixing, activates a strong abrasion in the sand, creates elastic resistance of the substrate. Anatex Premium flakes made of polyester fabrics with a weight of over 180g/m2, much more durable than traditional fleece scraps. Anatex Premium distinguishes; Original cream color > Efficiency (perfectly stabilizes most types of sand) > Super durability > Absorption > Reliability > Does not clump the ground into a hard group > It is a unique design and adds splendor to equestrian connoisseurs.

Dose 3kg per 1m2 if the layer of sand to be compacted does not exceed 15 cm


Minimum big-bag packaging 500 kg. The price is for 1kg. 

Pallet shipment PLN 300 for 500 kg, download + PLN 50 

Quantities from 1500 kg shipping price according to individual pricing 

 Shipping outside Poland according to individual pricing or personal collection

Podłoże dla koni ścinki anatex


3,50 PLN/kg

Stock status: Unavaible

Anatex Premium

GTIN 95906412997519

Anatex Premium
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Anatex Premium w powiększeniu
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